We hold stock of a range of grass seed mixtures including:
- Supreme protein booster (Ryegrass/ red clover mix)
- Pucklechurch (Shorter term ryegrass/ white clover)
- Long term dual purpose grazing and cutting (Ryegrass and white clover)
- Supreme permanent pasture (P. ryegrass/ timothy)
- Herbal ley - elite mix +/- chicory to meet GS4/SAM3
- Productive herbal ley mix - ryegrass/ white & red clover/ 2 herbs to meet CSAM3
- Overseeding herbal ley mix
- Flower rich grass to meet IPM2 standard
- Straight grasses and clovers
- Pony paddock and amenity grass mixtures
- Bespoke mixtures to meet requirements
We can supply seed for a range of environmental and amenity requirements, please email or call to discuss the best options for your requirements
Range of mixtures to suit countryside stewardship and sustainable farming incentive requirements including but not limited to:
- Arable options: AHL1(pollen and nectar), AHL2 (winter bird food), AHL3, AHW1,
- Buffer strips: AHL4, IGL3
- Grassland and flower margin options: GRH6, IPM2 (flower rich grassland), NUM2
- Nutrient management: NUM3 (legume fallow)
- Soil health: SAM2 (multi species winter cover), SAM3, SOH1, SOH2, SOH3, SOH4
- Wildflower mixtures
- Native cornfield annuals
Please call or email with requirements
- Cover crops and green manure mixtures
- Stubble turnips and mixtures to meet CS and SFI requirements
- Mustard, Kale, Oil radish straights
- Game cover mixtures
- Straights including clovers, vetches, quinoa, phacelia
- Sunflowers, maize, millet and sorghum
Call: 07484938242